Manage your privacy posture

Intelligence to deliver privacy at scale
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What is privacy posture?

Data is the new oil. Companies and government organizations collect a large volume of data to extract insights. As the volume of data grows, protecting consumer privacy becomes complex, and issues will be harder to locate. Privacy posture is the collective assessment of data privacy risks across an organization.

Data privacy posture is determined by:

Type, sensitivity, and amount of personal data

Potential impact in the event of a privacy violation

Type, variety, and purposes of processing activities

Why is privacy posture important?

Customer trust is core to any organization. Any breach of privacy will cause irreparable damage to customer trust. Data protection laws such as GDPR and CCPA require companies to announce breaches publicly and pay hefty penalties. Therefore, organizations must understand privacy risks by understanding what risks they are sitting on, where the risks lie, and the size of risks they hold.

Avoid financial damage

Manage company’s reputation

Win customer trust

Meet compliance requirements

Data privacy posture is much more than
data discovery & mapping

Data Privacy Posture

Data Discovery & Mapping

360 degree view of data

What personal / sensitive data do we have?

Who has access to the data?

Who is using the data?

360 degree view of risks

Identify hidden privacy risks. Understand ways to reduce exposure

Discover compliance gaps

Maintain continuous compliance

Manage your data privacy posture with Protecto

Privacy and security teams have the tough job of protecting the data while making data ubiquitously available across the organization. We help you identify, prioritize and monitor data privacy issues without adding friction to data flows.

Map your data and risks

Get visibility into your data, who has access, and who is using the data.

Processing activities

Analyze who is using the data, and what activities are being performed on the data.

Meet compliance

Effortlessly perform GDPR and CCPA audits of your data. Track purpose for processing activities.

Continuous assessment​

Automatically scan for the changes in data structures, data content, and usage. Continuously estimate risk and surface privacy issues.

Minimize data

Identify unused data assets that could be archived or deleted, resulting in lower costs and privacy risks.

Over exposed data​

Find data assets with sensitive data that are overexposed to users, and posing high risks.

Our technology

We bring multiple disciplines –  Privacy Engineering, risk modeling, and Artificial Intelligence –  to understand your enterprise data environment and find ways to improve your data privacy posture.

Prevent millions of $ of privacy risks. Learn how.

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