This method automatically identifies and masks personal/sensitive data within specific text.

  • The ProtectoVault object is instantiated with your tokenization key.
  • The input should consist of a list of values to be masked.
  • The mask method is used to automatically identify and mask personal/sensitive data within the provided text.

Note: To obtain the <auth token>,please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide to Obtain Your Auth Token.

# Import the ProtectoVault class from the protecto_ai module

from protecto_ai import ProtectoVault

# Create an instance of ProtectoVault with your authentication token

obj = ProtectoVault("<auth_token>")

# Pass a list of sensitive information as input for the mask method

result = obj.mask(["George Washington is happy", "Mark lives in the U.S.A"])

# Print the masked result


This method automatically identifies and masks personal/sensitive data within specific text.

  • The ProtectoVault object is instantiated with your tokenization key.
  • The input should consist of a list of values to be masked.
  • The mask method is used to automatically identify and mask personal/sensitive data within the provided text.

Note: To obtain the <auth token>,please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide to Obtain Your Auth Token.